Anger Control Stoplight for Kids

My 2 boys have very opposite personalities. My first has always been very easy-going, compassionate, somewhat cautious/anxious, and not an aggressive bone in his body. My second is more independent, strong-willed, and fiery. Those are not bad...

Ignoring Their Cries

Would you ignore her cries? No? What about hers?   Of course not? Then why on Earth would you ignore hers? I am, at times, taken aback by the practices we, culturally, will accept and perform without question. A friend recently asked for...

Positive Parenting Tools: Charts

Charts can be a very useful positive parenting tool if they are used correctly. I have used many charts through the years, some yielded good results and some bad results because they were used incorrectly. I’ll share with you what has...

30 Play Ideas for June

Here are 30 fun, connecting activities to do with your kids! Have a wonderful June! 1.  Make slime! Here is how. 2.  Have fun with this free picnic play printable. 3.  Play bubble pool! 4.  Run in sprinklers. 5.  Go on an...

I’ll Give You an Example

“Setting an example is not the main means of influencing another, it is the only means.” – Albert Einstein “A good example has twice the value of good advice.” – Anonymous “He that gives good advice, builds with one...

31 Days of Play: May

Happy May! Pick one of the activities below to do each day for some awesome quality time spent with your child. 1.  Get creative with bubble blowing….and popping! 2.  Play in a sprinkler or pool. 3.  Have a sack race, indoors...

Alternatives to Spanking

In light of all the latest research which has proven over and over and over again that spanking is ineffective at long-term discipline at best and harmful enough to cause brain damage and lower IQs at worst, it is time we move forward...