Biggies and Smallies

In The Discipline Book, Dr. William Sears addresses something that is very important in managing parents’ stress levels: biggies and smallies.  Below is an excerpt from the book: Divide your children’s...

29 Days of Play: February

Ready for 29 more days of play this month? Here we go!! 1. Make a time capsule of their favorite things, and open it next February. 2. Make salt dough valentines! 1/2 cup salt, 1 cup flour, 1/2 cup water, food coloring optional. 3. Have an...

Calm Down Travel Bag

We have our calm down box at home, but sometimes (okay, fairly often) my kids get upset when we’re out. So, today I made a trip to the dollar store and bought a small jar, balloons, and Play Doh. I made a small I Spy jar, which is the...

The Right Way to Parent?

There is certainly no shortage of articles telling us all what not to do as parents, yet few offer concrete advice on what we should do. As a parent, I know how frustrating it can be to have all of your tools yanked away because they’re all...