Safety Bracelet How-To

I saw this idea awhile back and don’t recall where, so I can’t give credit to whomever thought it up. I’ve had the cord and beads for months, waiting for me to look up knot tying on the Internet. It’s finally done and my...

When Your Child Doesn’t Listen

An excerpt from Positive Parenting in Action by Laura Ling and Rebecca Eanes, available on Also on is The Newbie’s Guide to Positive Parenting by Rebecca Eanes.  NOT LISTENING/COOPERATING Getting young children...

The Power of the Tongue

The following is a sample chapter from my book, The Newbie’s Guide to Positive Parenting, which you can purchase on Amazon **************************************************** There is one whose rash words are like sword thrusts, but the...

Why Mindfulness Matters

Mindfulness is being conscientious, caring, and intentional in your parenting. – Dr. Dan Siegel Mindful parenting is a topic that has been written about my many great authors and is gaining more and more attention in the mainstream. It...