Safety Bracelet How-To
I saw this idea awhile back and don’t recall where, so I can’t give credit to whomever thought it up. I’ve had the cord and beads for months, waiting for me to look up knot tying on the Internet. It’s finally done and my...
I saw this idea awhile back and don’t recall where, so I can’t give credit to whomever thought it up. I’ve had the cord and beads for months, waiting for me to look up knot tying on the Internet. It’s finally done and my...
My firstborn was barely 2 when his baby brother was born. He was in awe those first few days, but his admiration quickly wore off. Once he realized this new person was sticking around, taking up a lot of mommy’s time, he became rather...
An excerpt from Positive Parenting in Action by Laura Ling and Rebecca Eanes, available on Also on is The Newbie’s Guide to Positive Parenting by Rebecca Eanes. NOT LISTENING/COOPERATING Getting young children...
You asked for it, and you got it! The popular PDF The Newbie’s Guide to Positive Parenting is now a full-length paperback! I’ve revised prior chapters and added 6 entirely new chapters! Do you want to create a more positive and...
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