Adult Entitlement

This meme was made by the Facebook page Sharing Along the Way, using a quote from my book The Newbie’s Guide to Positive Parenting. It has been shared thousands of times across Facebook, and while most people agree, there are also many...

Hands Free Mama Book Review

Rarely are books life-changing for me. Helpful? Yes. Enlightening? Sure. But a book that actually changes the course of my life? RARE. In fact, I can think of only one other book that has had such an impact on me. This book is one of those...

5 Steps to Stop Yelling

Yelling is nothing more than a habit, and habits can be broken. Here are 5 steps to breaking the yelling habit and bringing peace to your home. 1. Admit and accept that you have a problem. Acknowledging that you have a habit you’d like to...