There and Back Again

I’m glad The Hobbit decided against using this title. It’s a good blog post title, don’t you think? When I first became a mother 8 years ago, it was all about the love.  Just love. As I held my baby close, rocked him...

Consequences That Teach

There is a disturbing new parenting trend for “creative consequences” which usually involves shaming the child publicly in some way. But is shaming children really the way to go? Is it effective? Brené Brown, PhD, LMSW, has spent the...

When Young Children Tell Lies

One of the biggest pet peeves of parents is when they catch their children lying. It makes us feel betrayed and deceived by the ones we love most. It is a strong trigger for many parents that can cause us to react irrationally with harsh...

Love Courageously

The infant is crying. She’s up again, just 45 minutes after her last feeding. She’s hungry. She didn’t eat enough last time. And she misses mama’s skin. It’s 3 am. “Just let her cry,” you’re told...