Great Summer Vacation Ideas

Great Summer Vacation Ideas

Summer is here, and it is awesome! So far, our family has just taken day trips to our local water park, but I’m excited for the months to come. Unfortunately, though, we haven’t planned any major trips. This won’t be a tropical trip summer, and...

Your miracle awaits

In the rising sun, And in the shining moon. In the flower bud And inside the cocoon. In the eyes of your love, In the swelling womb. In a newborn’s cry and in the quiet room. In the tiny hand in yours, In the arms that hug you tight, And in...

Love is

Love sees the best in others. Love shows up night and day. It holds not one condition, It does not turn away. Love answers “here I am” When tears escape one’s eyes. It says, “I will help” When emotions start to rise...