Ready for 29 more days of play this month? Here we go!!
1. Make a time capsule of their favorite things, and open it next February.
2. Make salt dough valentines! 1/2 cup salt, 1 cup flour, 1/2 cup water, food coloring optional.
3. Have an indoor picnic.
4. Make your own indoor hopscotch with masking tape on carpet/wood.
9. Buy a new board game and have a game night! Here are some board game ideas.
10. Have a photo shoot. Include a silliest face contest for extra giggles.
11. Play “don’t let it touch the ground” with balloons. Everyone gather around in a circle and try to keep the balloon from falling to the ground.
12. While you have the balloons out, how about a game of balloon tennis?
13. Play a pretend game, such as doctor, grocery store, or astronauts.
14. Lava floor! Put some pillows or cushions on the floor. You have to make it across the room on the cushions without stepping in the “lava.”
15. Instead of just reading a bedtime story, act it out. Be Goldilocks or the big bad wolf.
16. Make Popsicle or craft stick puzzles.
17. Do a craft, like this cute tree of hearts.
18. Have a dress-up party and see what kind of silly costumes your kids can come up with.
19. Make a band. Use whatever you can find to make noise with, and put on a show.
20. Bundle up if you need to and head to the park for a little while, or take a nature walk.
21. Plan a pajama party. Everyone get in your pajamas early, order a pizza, and play a game or watch a movie.
22. Play hot potato.
23. Make homemade slushies together.
1 package of unsweetened Kool-Aid drink mix, any flavor
2 cups of water
1/2 – 3/4 cup sugar
4 cups ice
In a blender, combine Kool-Aid, water and sugar. Blend. Add all the ice and blend. That’s it!
1 Comment
Thank you so much for the salt dough valentine suggestion. My son loved making them, and I got the nicest compliment on them from his teacher this morning. The other night, at bedtime, he decided to act out the story like you suggest in #15 (it was just a fluke, he hasn't seen the list) and we had the most wonderful time, I wished I had the video camera with me! Thanks again for your fabulous lists. We have been having so much fun trying your many great suggestions the past two months.
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