Ready for 30 more days of fun?
1. Spring is here! Do a craft today! Here are lots of spring craft ideas.
2. Fill up water balloons and head outside!
3. Gather some buckets and shovels and head to the sandbox. Don’t have one? Just fill a large container with sand and make your own. See this one.
4. Grab the sidewalk chalk and head outdoors for some hopscotch or driveway art!
5. Pack a picnic and enjoy some time at the park.
6. Go fishing!
7. If there are April showers, here are 30 indoor activities!
8. Make a sensory tub for your kid today. Here are tub ideas.
9. Visit a museum or zoo, somewhere you don’t ordinarily go.
10. If you celebrate Easter, here are some cute printables.
11. Plant a flower for each child and let them water it and watch it grow.
12. Gather some rocks and paint them. Use them to decorate your garden.
13. Make this cute thumbprint bug craft. Construction paper, paint,
markers, and cotton balls.
14. Go on a bug hunt.
15. Play Angry Birds with water balloons and sidewalk chalk.
16. Get some bathtub paint or make your own with shaving cream and food coloring and let them paint at bath time.
17. Make superhero masks!
18. Rent a DVD and make popcorn. Movie night!!
19. Bake cookies and make bunny faces on them!
20. Play an outdoor game today, like freeze tag or dodge ball.
21. Make oobleck (1-1/2 cups corn starch, 1 cup water, food coloring).
22. Build a fort outside or pitch a tent. Pretend to be camping. Or really go camping!
23. Fly a kite!
24. Cuddle up together and read some books.
25. Draw a picture for your child showing how much you love him/her! Tape it to the bedroom door.
26. Dye Easter eggs. Here are some natural dyes.
27. Make sock puppets and put on a play.
28. Make this cute and easy bunny craft with a paper plate, glue, cotton balls, googly eyes, pipe cleaners, and construction paper.
29. Walk barefoot in the grass and pick flowers to fill a vase.
30. Dress up and take a family photo!