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Literature adds to reality, it does not simply describe it. It enriches the necessary competencies that daily life requires and provides; and in this respect, it irrigates the deserts that our lives have already become.
Literature adds to reality, it does not simply describe it. It enriches the necessary competencies that daily life requires and provides; and in this respect, it irrigates the deserts that our lives have already become.
Etiam vitae leo et diam pellentesque porta. Sed eleifend ultricies risus, vel rutrum erat commodo ut. Praesent finibus congue euismod.
Defacto lingo est igpay atinlay. Marquee selectus non provisio incongruous feline nolo condre. Gruitous octopus niacin, sodium glutimate.
Defacto lingo est igpay atinlay. Marquee selectus non provisio incongruous feline nolo condre. Gruitous octopus niacin, sodium glutimate.
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Vivamus posuere tellus ac fringilla maximus. Maecenas ut diam nibh. Suspendisse venenatis et dolor sit amet malesuada.
I saw this idea awhile back and don’t recall where, so I can’t give credit to whomever thought it up. I’ve had the cord and beads for months, waiting for me to look up knot tying on the Internet. It’s finally done and my...
The following is a guest post by Laura Ling. The following comment was posted on an earlier post, and since I see many parents with similar issues, I wanted to use it as a jumping off point for when you’re parenting positively but still...
This is a guest post by Laura Ling.I’ve seen a lot of discussion around what “Positive Parenting” is and who ‘qualifies’ to use that term. Do you have to be “crunchy” too? What about this “AP”...
Guest Post by Kelly Bartlett from Parenting From Scratch. The word “No” can make a terrible first impression. Sometimes it just doesn’t convey everything it intends. Especially if it comes from a young child: it’s not...
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