Making Sense of Aggression: What’s Really Going On and How to Help by Bridgett Miller
Making Sense of Aggression: What’s Really Going On and How to Help  ...
Making Sense of Aggression: What’s Really Going On and How to Help  ...
The following post is a chapter from my bestselling book, The Newbie’s Guide to Positive Parenting. **************************************************** Parenthood has many seasons. As is often our nature, we are regularly looking toward...
Photo credit: Creative Child Magazine Rarely do I hear from parents who have tried the positive parenting approach and felt it wasn’t working. Most often, moms and dads tell me that it transformed their relationships and that their children...
There’s an excerpt from my book, The Newbie’s Guide to Positive Parenting, that has been around the world. It is my most widely seen quote to date, and also happens to be the most controversial because people misunderstand it without its...
Parenting is extremely complex, but we’ve tried for a long time to simplify it into discipline choices. We’re told if we discipline a certain way, our kids will learn good behavior and ultimately turn out just fine. But parenting is...
He was sitting in time-out again, tears streaming down his face, his eyes cast downward, and his chin quivering. His body was only feet away from me, but his heart was completely out of reach. I had won the battle, but at what cost? I wielded my...
Photo credit: Creative Child Magazine Raising humans is a complex task, yet many parents hone in on one element alone – discipline. Becoming so intently focused on managing behavior narrows our picture significantly, and we lose sight, and...
Think about this. The people in our lives who look past our faults and see our beauty, the ones who still see the light in us during the times we feel only darkness, those are the people who save us from the depths of blackness. Those are the...
Photo Credit: Creative Child Magazine Dear Mom Who Is Too Hard On Yourself, It’s shocking, isn’t it? Motherhood. The way it stretches not only your body, but your mind and spirit, too. It stretches your ideas, your judgements, your dreams, and...
26 Phrases to Calm an Angry Child Written by Renee Jain, Chief Storyteller at GoZen! Anxiety Relief for Kids Whether your child has a slow-burning fuse or explodes like a firecracker at the slightest provocation, every child can benefit...
Photo Credit: Creative Child Magazine My firstborn is a highly sensitive child. I didn’t realize this fact until he was three, and I didn’t fully understand it until he was four and a half when I read Ted Zeff’s book, The Strong, Sensitive...
Photo Credit: Creative Child Magazine It is the age of being superficially known by hundreds and deeply known by no one, or by very few. We are virtually connected for much of...
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