We’re busy people. The world is dinging and buzzing around us. The days are whirring by. We move at a dizzying speed to get everything accomplished before we crash in bed for a few hours and get up to do it all again.
Whoa, horse. Slow down! Pay attention. As far as I know, we only come through here once. Let’s not miss out on all the wonder and joy and delight. Here’s how to slow down and enjoy your life and your littles.
1. Do less stuff. Cut out what isn’t necessary. Make a conscious choice to focus only on what is really important to you.
2. Be present. It takes practice not to let your mind wander to all the things you need to do. Work on focusing your mind to what is going on around you in this moment.
3. Disconnect from devices and connect to loved ones. Want inspiration to let go of those distractions and embrace what really matters? Pick up Rachel Macy Stafford’s book, Hands Free Mama. Good stuff.
4. Open your eyes to the joy around you. A small hand molding playdough. The comfort of a warm bath. The smell of cookies baking. The kitty curled up on your couch. There is a lot to be thankful for. Notice.
5. Go clock free for a day and release yourself from the restraints of time. Probably best done on a weekend. You may notice you have a lot more time when clock isn’t taunting you with it’s incessant ticking.

Being attentive is all about slowing down and enjoying your life and your time with family. Today, carve out an hour or more to slow down, be present, and take notice of the joy that surrounds you. In your journal, write down how it felt to go at a slower pace and as many joys as you can see.
Join me tomorrow for “Courageous Love is Expressive.”

Read the post that inspired the Love Courageously challenge.
If you’d like a wearable daily reminder, pick up a Love Courageously reminder band in my shop (available in the US only, free shipping). *limited number available*
The “I CHOOSE LOVE” bracelets you requested have been ordered! You can preorder yours now in red or purple, debossed with white lettering (available in the US only, free shipping).
Order my bestselling book for more ways to embrace love.
This manifesto is a beautiful declaration of your intentions as a positive parent. High Quality Downloadable PDF Print. Get it here.