I love the fresh start of a new year! It feels to me to bring hope, promise, and new opportunity.
We here at positive-parents.org and Positive Parenting: Toddlers and Beyond are starting a new community challenge for 2014. We hope you’ll join us in taking a vow of yellibacy! I’m really excited about this challenge! No parent wants to be a yeller, but in the commotion and distraction of our daily lives, it seems to creep up on us – the irritation, the short fuse – and we get caught in a cycle. There are ways we can change our responses and teach our brains to access that space between stimulus and response so that we choose a calmer tone, and we’re going to spend 2014 learning how to do that together!
Throughout the year, I’ll be sharing posts, techniques, and inspiring stories to help us stay on the right path. We’re kicking it off a little bit before the new year! Our challenge begins one month from today, on December 22, 2013! I guarantee this will end up being one of the best Christmas gifts we give our families.
To join our community challenge, like our Facebook page and be sure to get notifications so you’ll see all of the tips! To do that, simply hover over “like” and check “get notifications.” We’re posting daily tips, weekly phrases, weekly habit changers, and bi-weekly articles to help you be successful!
We also have a private support group where over 1000 committed parents are taking this challenge together! Join our Facebook support group HERE!
Subscribe by email to catch all of our Yell-Free Year posts, join us on Facebook, and share this on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+ and anywhere else you can share so others can get involved!
Change starts with us, and what a positive change this will be for us all!
Watch for monthly blog posts! I’ll add them below!
Blog Post #1 for the Yell Free Year Challenge!

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Sign me up. Yell-free challenge here I come. It'll be a challenge
I'm down sign me up
Me too! I tried several times this year to do the orange rhino, not giving up but it's harder than it seems!
I'm already in, doing the orange rhino challenge as we speak but it will be awesome to get some extra motivation here too
I'm already in, doing the orange rhino challenge as we speak but it will be awesome to get some extra motivation here too
Me too!
Something I have been working on, so sign me up. I need more reminders and motivation!!
Please sign me up!. Thanks!
Please sign us up!
Please sign us up!
Okay I am in…. š Looking forward to this!
I want to be yell free 2014!! Count me in… š
I would like to sign up.
Sign me u p
Sign me u p
Me too! sign me up please!
Count me in!
I am in !
I'm in.
Yes please.
Yes please! Would love to join you:)
I am IN!
Im in <3
I'm totally down! What's the rules? lol
Im definitely in!
Hi Daniel! So glad you're joining us! Go to our group https://www.facebook.com/groups/yell.free.year.challenge/
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